News The latest news News 05/09/2023 H2air boards with Clarisse Crémer for Vendée Globe... While celebrating his 15th anniversary in Tours on 5th september 2023, H2air group formalised his... 24/07/2023 Genêts agrivoltaic project: planning permission... In a decree issued on last 5th April, the Allier Prefecture granted H2air planning permission to... 20/07/2023 H2air contribues to fight against energy poverty H2air is one of the 18 signatories of the partner’s charter of Synergie Renouvelable, a... 06/07/2023 Six onshore wind projects by H2air winners of a call... Minister of Ecological Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher announced the 73 winning wind projects... 01/06/2023 130 MW of renewable energy in the first half of 2023... 130 MW of renewable energy in the first half of 2023 for H2airWe are excited to commission an... 07/12/2022 Adoption of the CSR charter During the seminar of the end of the year, all H2air employees signed and adopted the CSR... 24/11/2022 Certification of H2air PX and H2air GT, our... Good news for our H2air GT and H2air PX subsidiaries, which have just received their ISO... 15/06/2021 [Wind Day] Events organized at the Seine Rive Sud wind... Supported by the sports clubs of Aube, H2air is celebrating World Wind Day on Tuesday June 15 at... 00/00/0000 H2air on board with Clarisse ! H2air is partnering with the skipper Clarisse Crémer. The 33-year-old woman plans to participate... All EventPartnershipThe group Select a category All 17/09/202217/05/202307/04/202206/10/202109/09/202113/08/202115/06/202116/02/202112/11/202019/01/202017/01/202009/12/201927/11/201928/10/201916/10/201916/09/201928/08/201910/07/201915/06/201908/10/201821/09/202306/09/202305/09/202324/07/202321/11/202300/00/000011/12/202322/02/202414/05/202430/05/202405/09/202414/09/202405/10/202424/11/202207/12/202227/03/202301/06/202306/07/202329/06/202306/06/202320/07/2023 Select a date All news