Inauguration of the Vallée wind farm
Inauguration of the Vallée wind farm
Jeudi 05 Septembre 2024 à 10h00
On 5 September, we inaugurated the Vallée d'Haution wind farms, co-developed with our partners VALOREM and Elicio. These 12 wind turbines, with a capacity of 41.4 MW, can supply 55% of the electricity needs of the “communauté de communes de la Thiérache du Centre”!
More than a hundred local residents, elected representatives and partners took part in the festivities organised between La Vallée au Blé, Haution, Voulpaix and Laigny. The pupils of Vallée-au-Blé primary school were also present.


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Les Royeux Énergies, 3 wind turbines owned by Elicio.
Le Haut Bosquet Énergies, 3 wind turbines owned by VALOREM.
The 6 wind turbines at La Vallée are owned by H2air and operated by H2air GT.

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