Founded in France in 2008, H2air is an independent renewable electricity producer
supported by experienced professionals who dedicate their know-how to wind and solar projects in France and abroad.
H2air with its subsidiaries H2air PX and H2air GT cover each stage of the project, from development to operational management, through construction. The strong synergy between our different expertise ensures us an optimal project management.
The group as branches in Tunisia, Lebanon, Germany, Romania and France.
We are proud to produce the energy of Peace
President & Founder of the H2air Group
> Consultation
> Energy Yield Assessment
> Impact Reduction
> Project Financing
> Turnkey Solutions
> Civil and Electrical Engineering
> Site Monitoring and Cost Control

Conscious of the key role played by the energy sector in maintaining geopolitical stability and driven by strong environmental convictions, Roy Mahfouz set himself the mission of developing renewable energies just as he graduates as naval engineer. A true wind energy pioneer, he carried out environmental impact studies and developed wind farms all over France as soon as the early 2000s, in an industry that was still in its infancy.
Surrounded by a team of enthusiasts, he founded h2air in 2007 in the historical heart of wind energy in France, convinced that local anchorage will be key to deploying renewable energy.
Aware of the need to advise French political institutions on energy transition and its planning, Roy Mahfouz is strongly committed to the industry. A member of the Board of Directors of France Renouvelables since 2017 and a member of its Executive Committee, he is President of the Environment Commission that he created.
Executive Director
An engineer graduated from MINES Paristech, Camille Vandenbeuck chose renewable energies during her studies, gaining initial experience in project finance in the photovoltaic sector in the United States. Drawn by the dynamism of the sector, its positive social and environmental impact and driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit, she joined h2air, which then had around twenty employees, in 2015.
After setting up the project finance & investment department and successfully financing over €250m of investment, she became Executive Director in 2022 and played a key role in implementing the company’s IPP strategy. Today, she drives the financing and structuring of the Group, supporting its growth, diversification and internationalisation.

« As an entrepreneur and an engaged citizen, I am proud of my team. We produce a peaceful energy, without risk to people or the planet. »
Roy Mahfouz