Project & regional manager

In collaboration with elected representatives and the agriculture sector, the project & regional manager is the project’s referent for local residents

Responsable de projets éoliens & territoires  - H2air


An agricultural engineer by training, Claire Leroy is in charge of projects & territories within the Centre-Ouest agency. In connection with elected officials and the agricultural world, it is the referent on the wind project for the inhabitants.

What are your missions ?

First contact on the territory, I work on a daily basis with elected officials by involving them in the wind project and in particular with regard to communication with local residents. I regularly meet with farmers to involve them in the construction of the wind farm, in particular by preparing the signing of land commitments. Good knowledge of the territory is essential to bring the wind project to life in the municipalities. It is a question of informing on its progress, of listening to the inhabitants, of answering their questions or raising concerns.

When do you get involved in projects?

From the start, I present the assets of the territory, I explain the principles of wind energy and make sure to provide regular information. With local actors, we offer support measures that improve the living environment of residents or that support an emblematic municipal project. During the investigation, which my partner in charge of the project & authorization follows, I keep the elected officials and the farmers informed. Once the project is authorized, I participate in the preparation of the site with the colleagues in charge of the connection and the construction. Here too, there is a great need to be present on the territory, in particular with the signing of road agreements and communication on the site.

How is your job evolving?

Each project is different. Beyond the traditional public meetings, we carry out tailor-made consultation according to local customs, by organizing hikes, visits to construction sites, wind farms in service, etc. In addition, we strive to be present during events that bring residents together by setting up information stands. In recent years, project managers and the communication department have revitalized local consultation by innovating to keep more informed and to offer local residents who so wish to become more involved. My mission is to make a wind project a regional project.