Construction manager

General contractor for the construction of wind farms and solar parks

Responsable construction  - H2air


Prior to the launch of a wind farm, Georg Detges and Sebastian Ramtke advise their fellow project managers on technical questions such as the size of the platforms, for planning questions, or even for financial questions such as cost estimates. of construction.

The preparation phase of a construction site begins once the single authorization has been granted; which equates to approximately two years until connection. During this time, it is a question of preparing the ground, with the surveyor, to launch the geotechnical study to size the foundations of the wind turbines. Depending on the conclusions of the various studies and the technical requirements specified by the turbine manufacturer, modifications to the projects may be made, such as new easements.

At the same time, a notarial phase begins to formalize the land agreements that are emphyteutic leases and other easements. Land options are posed in the project phase. For example, agricultural land can only be used when the crane is assembled and is available again for agricultural use once the construction site has been completed.

The different phases of the site are allotted via several specifications prepared by Sebastian and Georg, with project management assistance.

Calling on the know-how of the region

In charge of carrying out the project, Georg and Sebastian choose the service providers that H2air will call on, according to the specifications, the technical criteria, the different planning requirements, the know-how, and, if possible, the experience, wind power companies. If H2air favors the skills and know-how of the region, this is not always possible for certain batches very specific to the sector. Thereby, the concreting can be carried out locally.

As project managers, Georg and Sebastian ensure the weekly follow-up of the companies and participate in site meetings. Interface between the various service providers, they ensure the proper execution of the site, for example, by giving priority to certain works in the event of bad weather, in order to minimize the impact on the site. Project management assistance concentrates certificates of execution and conformity. The monitoring of the construction site is also financial and relational. In constant contact with the companies, Georg and Sebastian collect information on the construction site, keep local elected officials, owners and farmers informed, receive and process their complaints, relay their questions, such as the coordination of crop dates with the construction progress.

At the end of the construction site, the acceptance of the works, compensation for damage to agricultural crops and the essential validation of invoices take place. Once built, the wind farm must be connected to the electricity grid and then commissioned!